I grew up in the woods of the Ozarks in Southern Missouri. A tree lives with roots planted in the earth and limbs lifted toward the heavens. I too am trying to grow deep roots while lifting my hands toward God.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Must be Christmas....

There are cookies and "haystacks" and bags of sugary popcorn and tubs of chex mix and my hand is constantly reaching for something then going straight to my mouth. Christmas must be close by.
My house looks like a jungle of bright red, pink, white and green....a poinsetta wilderness; Christmas has got to be near.
The space in our closet is filled with wrapping paper and very poorly hidden gifts and I can't walk through our bedroom without stumbling over something shiny. Yep, it is almost here.
There is a cabbage in the frig and chicken wings waiting for sauce and a fifty five gallon drum of sour cream in the drive way...Christmas eve is two days away.....
There are more cars in the driveway and packages on the porch.....
There are last minute desperate dashs to the store.....
All Christmas music radio is beginning to sound a lot like.....well.....
It is almost here! That silent, holy night when everything is ready, it is too late for one more thing to get done, and we finally rest and smile at Jesus.

My wish for all of you is this: Wonderful times with your familes, safe travel if you are on the roads, special moments alone with God, a gift you give that is loved by the receiver, a gift you receive that is very special and through it all the ability to love, forgive and be blessed. Merry Christmas!

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