I grew up in the woods of the Ozarks in Southern Missouri. A tree lives with roots planted in the earth and limbs lifted toward the heavens. I too am trying to grow deep roots while lifting my hands toward God.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Snow is nice for Christmas but....

I like snow for Christmas, but I have to admit that I also really like 60 degree weather this time of year. The last few days I have been able to run without putting on all the extra weather gear and it just feels better. Usually I run around our neighborhood but since the weather has been so nice I have run on a paved trail that was once a couple of railroad lines that the city converted into a walking/running/biking trail that will take you just about every direction you would want to go. Some places it follows a little creek, in other places it weaves through town and heading north from downtown it ends up out in the prairie in the middle of cornfields. I run acoustically, "unplugged". I do not want to carry a little box of music with me. Part of the joy for me is to hear nature while I see it....the wind blowing as the sun sets, a hawk screeching, doves calling, a dog barking somewhere.
It always seems like I can run easier when I am not dodging cars and avoiding people on the sidewalk and turning it into a "work-out". When I can just get lost in my surroundings my feet seem to barely hit the pavement and before I know it the miles slide by. It really is a joy. So today I am thankful for nice trails and nice days in December and good shoes.

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