I grew up in the woods of the Ozarks in Southern Missouri. A tree lives with roots planted in the earth and limbs lifted toward the heavens. I too am trying to grow deep roots while lifting my hands toward God.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Secret to Aging Gracefully

I am reading in 2 Corinthians this morning about the difference between the fading glory of the old Covenant brought through Moses compared to the glory of the new Covenant we have in Christ. Moses veiled his face so the Israelites wouldn't stare at the fading radiance that came from being in the presence of God. Then Paul concludes by saying "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the lord, who is the Spirit." (3:18)

Later, I am running, watching the sun rise with it's "ever-increasing" light and it dawns on me (no pun intended) that we as Christians always live in the sunrise of a new day that never fades.

Then I try to think of one thing on this earth that does not have a glory that eventually fades. Just last year the St. Louis Cardinals won the World Series. This year they will not even make the playoffs. Their glory began to fade the moment it was acheived.

Can you think of anything on this earth that has an ever-increasing glory?

Only people, filled with the Spirit of Jesus, in the process of transformation, have a glory that is increasing. It is a glory not attached to our achievements or records or success, but to our submitting to God's work of transforming us into the likeness of Jesus. It is the glory of Jesus within us, the bright and Morning Star shining through us.

As I get older, the implication is that I should become more glorious. The longer I live the more I should be transformed into the nature of Jesus.

Maybe that is the secret to aging "gracefully." That by the time I am old and frail, I should be as full of the Spirit and glory of Jesus as I have ever been. That while I am "decreasing" in vigor and strength I am "increasing" in the glory of the Lord.

Feeling old today? Good! Becoming more glorious? Great! Thanks be to God for turning clay pots into golden Vessels.


Donna G said...

If we focus on growing more like Jesus instead of fighting the fact that we are not oh so glorious physically...we can truly age gracefully....believe me, I am talking to myself here!

mark said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean (as I reach for the Ibuprofen...)

Chris said...

...looks like the secret to aging gracefully MIGHT be taking down a certain photograph that was taken circa 1981 and letting people think it was a little more recent...? LoL!!!!